Super brain Yoga (SBY) or Ganesh Kriya or Thoppukaranam, technique helps to sharpen memory, enhance intellectual capacity, improves concentration, manage stress, strengthen and energize the brain potentials, and relaxes mind. This practice is based on subtle energies of the body and ear acupressure.
Procedure for Super Brain Yoga: Step-by-Step Instructions
- Stand up with empty stomach, facing towards east
- Connect your tongue to the palate (roof of your mouth)
- Maintain 30 centimeters gap between both the feet
- Take your left hand and cross your upper body to hold your right earlobe with thumb and forefinger. Make sure that the thumb is in front and index finger is behind the earlobe
- Now take your right hand across your upper body to hold your left earlobe, make sure that the thumb is in front and index finger is behind the earlobe
- Press gently both the earlobes (ear acupressure). Make sure your left arm is close to your chest and inside your right arm
- Inhale slowly and deeply through the nose and slowly squat down to the ground
- Hold your breath (unforcefully) and try not to exhale until you are back to standing position
- Practice with opened eyes and maintain your normal breathing
- Repeat these squatting actions 5 to 7 times at initial stage, then gradually increase the practice between 15 and 21 times. Remember to keep holding your earlobes and to keep your tongue connected to the palate of your mouth throughout the process